Apollo 11 EVA

The Apollo 11 mission was the first manned mission to land on the Moon and the first extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or “moonwalk” was performed by astronaut Neil Armstrong on July 20, 1969.

After landing on the lunar surface, Armstrong opened the hatch of the Lunar Module and descended the ladder to the surface. He then famously said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” as he took the first steps on the lunar surface. Buzz Aldrin followed him shortly afterwards.

During the EVA, which lasted for about 2 and a half hours, the astronauts collected samples of the lunar surface, conducted experiments, and planted the American flag on the Moon. They also deployed a seismometer and a laser-ranging retroreflector to study the Moon’s geology and measure its distance from Earth.

The EVA also marked the first time humans had ever set foot on another celestial body. The achievement was a major victory for the United States during the Cold War and was watched by an estimated 600 million people around the world. It was a historic achievement and marked a significant step forward in space exploration.
Based on LROC Temporal Traverse data

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What Color Are Brown Dwarfs?

Brown Dwarfs are neither really planet nor star, but they’re also not really Brown.

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The End of the ISS is Coming but Why and What Will Replace it?

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The ISS will be ending its days in the watery grave known as Point Nemo in 2030 when it is deorbited by SpaceX, but why are we throwing away $150B of hardware and what will replace it it if anything?

This video is sonsored by Opera https://opr.as/Opera-browser-curiousdroid

Written researched and presented by Paul Shillito
Images and footage : NASA, Roscosmos, Northrop Grumman, SpaceX, Spacelab, Axiom,

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Apollo 11 One Giant Leap for Mankind

The Apollo 11 mission was the first manned mission to land on the Moon and the first extra-vehicular activity (EVA) or “moonwalk” was performed by astronaut Neil Armstrong on July 20, 1969.

After landing on the lunar surface, Armstrong opened the hatch of the Lunar Module and descended the ladder to the surface. He then famously said “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” as he took the first steps on the lunar surface. Buzz Aldrin followed him shortly afterwards.

During the EVA, which lasted for about 2 and a half hours, the astronauts collected samples of the lunar surface, conducted experiments, and planted the American flag on the Moon. They also deployed a seismometer and a laser-ranging retroreflector to study the Moon’s geology and measure its distance from Earth.

The EVA also marked the first time humans had ever set foot on another celestial body. The achievement was a major victory for the United States during the Cold War and was watched by an estimated 600 million people around the world. It was a historic achievement and marked a significant step forward in space exploration.
Based on LROC Temporal Traverse data

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What is a Blue Dwarf Star?

Blue Dwarfs are a hypothetical type of star that will appear in the later era of the Universe.

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«Роскосмос. Главное за неделю»: космическое партнерство, работа МКС, развитие беспилотных систем

Ждали главные новости недели? Наш краткий дайджест самого интересного в мире российского космоса смотрим прямо сейчас:)

▪️ закон о ГЧП: государственно-частное партнёрство в космической отрасли;
▪️ управление авиацией из космоса: технологии для беспилотников;
▪️ 3D-печать в космосе: эксперименты на орбите.

Сайт Роскосмоса: https://www.roscosmos.ru/
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#Роскосмос #РоскосмосТВ

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Крым космический: начало космонавтики. Фильм 2

Роскосмос Медиа продолжает серию фильмов «Крым космический», которая соединит славную историю отечественной космонавтики и её современность.

Во втором фильме много говорим о космической истории полуострова, легендарном Центре дальней космической связи, о наиболее знаковых сеансах связи из НИПа-10 (приём уникальных данных — первое изображение поверхности Луны и первые изображения Венеры), секретном проекте «Е-8», посадочной полосе для космических кораблей «Буран».

Создано при поддержке Президентского Фонда культурных инициатив.

Сайт Роскосмоса: https://www.roscosmos.ru/
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Vk: https://vk.com/roscosmos
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Новый telegram-канал о путешествиях на космодромы: https://t.me/cosmotours

#Роскосмос #РоскосмосТВ

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Cosmic Journeys – Mars: World That Never Was

Mars is a barren, rocky planet whose atmosphere is composed mainly of carbon dioxide and dust. Did Mars long ago develop far enough for life to arise? If so, does anything still live anywhere underground? Did micro creatures once thrive? Is there evidence of fossils? Questions abound. The search for answers to the question of life has revealed the forces that long ago doomed the Red Planet forever.

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The Fermi Paradox: Fine Tuned Universe

The first 150 people to join Planet Wild clicking this link or adding my code ISAAC7 later will get their first month for free https://planetwild.com/r/isaacarthur/join
If you want to get to know them better first, check out their latest video raising baby sharks and releasing them back into the wild: https://planetwild.com/r/isaacarthur/m17
Our universe is a strange place, with underlying rules we’re only just beginning to understand, but could the strangest thing of all about our Universe be that we are able to live here to observe it in the first place?

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The Fermi Paradox: Fine-Tuned Universe
Episode 456; July 18, 2024
Produced, Narrated & Written: Isaac Arthur
Jeremy Jozwik
Select imagery/video supplied by Getty Images
Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound http://epidemicsound.com/creator
Music Courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Lombus, “Cosmic Soup”
Stellardrone,”Red Giant”, “The Divine Cosmos”, “Eternity”, “In Time”

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Stars & Stellar Populations

Our Sun is one of many, and ancient beyond measure, but is it older than most stars?

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