In days of old comets were seen as bringers of doom and bad luck but now we know better.
However, landing on one is probably the most difficult operation undertaken by any space agency and almost a guarantee of some sort of bad luck as ESA’s Rosetta / Philae mission found out.
So just what does it take to land on a comet as it travels around the solar system at up to 135,000 km/h and what sort of challenges did the teams at ESA, the European Space Agency face as they sent the Rosetta spacecraft and its lander Philae to comet 67/P Churyumov-Gerasimenko .
This video was made with the assistance of ESA and uses both video and imagery created by and for ESA, DLR and of course some NASA parts.
I would also like to thank Monica Pascanu, Maria Bennet, Emily Baldwin and Matt Taylor at the European Space Agency (ESA) for their help in making this video and for checking its accuracy.
Written and researched by Paul Shillito
Presented by Paul Shillito
Images and footage : ESA, DLR, NASA.
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